Blogging the Saints, A to Z, letter “I”

Are you interested in what I have for the letter “I”?  I sure hope so!


St Isidora the Simple (also called St Isidora the Fool for Christ) was almost like Cinderella.  She veiled her head with a simple rag, went about with the dirtiest of tasks, and was ridiculed and taunted by her fellow nuns.  That is until a hermit visited the convent.  He had received a word from God to go visit, and that “There you shall find an elect vessel full of the grace of God, and you shall know her by the crown that shines above her head.”  Upon arriving he asked to see all of the nuns, but it wasn’t until St Isidora entered into the room that he saw the crown shining above her head.  He quickly dropped to his knees, at which time she asked for his blessing.  From that point the other sisters repented of their behavior and honored her as a saint in their midst.

St Ia (how would you pronounce that?!?) was so successful at converting a Persian woman that she was arrested and tortured for several months before she was flogged to death and then beheaded.


You can read more on Saints whose names begin with the letter “I” HERE 


See y’all tomorrow for the “J” Saints 🙂



6 thoughts on “Blogging the Saints, A to Z, letter “I”

  1. Found you via Filling My Prayer Closet, and I had to visit after you said you love the Examen! 🙂 Now I’ll make time to visit your Blogging the Saints series, too–there are so many great saints to highlight.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Maybe if I throw a washrag on my head my house will declare me a saint? 😉 I wonder how you pronounce Ia. “Eye-ah” or “Eee-ah?”


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